Our home in the Sept issue of Fairlady

A while back Fairlady approached me to shoot our home for their monthly decor feature, inspired by our Design Sponge Sneak Peek.

I’m happy to report the September issue is out and I was able to pick up a copy today after having family and friends hound me with tweets, sms’s and calls about it (always the last to know right!).

The irony of being a MALE designer/decorator/thingmaker and primary caregiver is not lost on me being featured in ‘Fairlady’, but given the aforementioned titles some latitude is to be given.

8 Responses to Our home in the Sept issue of Fairlady

  1. brazen says:

    Awesome 🙂

  2. Oh your home looks gorgeous!! Worthy of any design mag even if the title is daft. 😉 x

    • Matt says:

      Thanks Lou, it’s actually a general women’s interest mag, but they’ve started a decor feature. The magazine is an institution here in South Africa, the title is something of legacy, back when a women’s place was the kitchen, not the boardroom.

  3. Cari says:

    This is awesome Matt. I’m continually inspired by the images I see of your beautiful home.

  4. Nikki says:

    Matt. I have spent about an hour on your blog, link through link of all the amazing things you have done to your home. I read the post on design sponge too and honestly, wow. I love how you use your time to ‘beautify’ your home environment. I made up that word 😛 I am SO inspired by all your photo projects of Nathan, the themed focuses and the intricate detail in your home. You can see how much love and attention has gone into it all. It must be SO fab to come home to that 🙂 I am really and truly inspired by everything you have done and are doing. awesome. x

  5. Matt says:

    Hi Cari, thank you so much, I’m glad to be an inspiration!

  6. Matt says:

    Nikki, thanks. It’s only been in the last year or so. I gave so much of my time and energy to music and not enough time to my family and our home. It’s been rather liberating to plow that creative interest into a home to be shared with both family and friends.

    I’m inspired by yours to! Its been amazing to watch your journey with Nic: marriage, first time homeowners, inviting Banjoe into your lives. Heck I met Nic when he was in HIGH SCHOOL, I’d graduated college… so I’m feeling rather old right now, hah hah!

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