My name is Matt Allison.
I go by many titles with over a decade of experience in the design industry. My work has been featured in various lifestyle publications including Home, House & Leisure, Elle Decoration, VISI, Real Estate, Good Taste & The Sunday Times.
Based in Sydney, Australia my approach to interior styling and design is clean and timeless. I believe in creating spaces that are simple and functional, yet practical enough to deal with the ever-growing demands of daily life.
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Category Archives: Gardening & Landscaping
Images courtesy of Soderbergagentur
Images courtesy of Wish Flowers and I am collecting home inspiration
Image courtesy of Darling Dexter
I recently cleared the installation that sat atop the upright piano in our livingroom and I’ve been wanting to bring elements of natural history/botanicals into the new as yet to be curated vignette.
Part of my deliberation has been that I’m struggling to find the balance between ‘simple yet stimulating’ and ‘cluttered bohemian collector’, which I think is buried deep down inside of me.
The pics above at least showcase that you can still have ‘simple’ collections without being overly styled or busy, which I guess is what I’m hoping for.
Green with envy
Ok, one thing you’ll learn about me is that I love plants. I grow much of the food we eat, but also love having flowers and houseplants in our home, bringing the outdoors, indoors.
That said I think that it’s a cruel injustice to just put a plant in a lifeless, uninspiring pot, show it off, let it have a sense of glamour!
Above are 4 of my favourite creative ways for showcasing houseplants, most can be DIY’d if you are somewhat crafty.
1. The Woolly Pocket Garden ‘Wally One’: I mean come one, I’d buy one based on the name alone! As the name implies it’s a pocket that one plants into and they come in an assortment of sized and colours. They can be mounted directly onto your wall as a living, breathing artwork.
Image courtesy of Floro Grubb
2. Boskke Sky Planters: I’ve been besotted with these since their inception. Such a simple concept and visually stimulating. The come in 3 sizes and are now available in recycled plastic. I bought 2 of them on a recent trip to London that I plan to hang about our breakfast bar. If you want to see them in action visit one of my favourite local eateries, Dear Me (I also provide them with yummy vegetables).
Image courtesy of Poketo
3. The Aerium, there is no doubt that terrariums are on the rise, recreating these old world biospheres with new world crafts is set to become an entrenched trend in 2012. Take for example my one that was made by The Wild Creative, perched amongst the foliage is a bear, yes, a bear, and the world is better because of it. What makes these Aeriums even more charming is that they contain moss and Tillandsia, ‘airplants’, so no soil required, just the odd misting will keep them happy for years to come.
Image courtesy of Floro Grubb
4. The A-frame Plant Hanger. I recently pinned this and it’s probably one of my most repined pics, simple in construction and implementation it lends itself to hanging a single pot of green loving in your home, turning it into a showstopping feature, not just your Grandmothers ‘clinging onto life’ African violet.
Image courtesy of Poketo