Fellow fellow fellows

All images courtesy of Fellow Fellow

I was trawling through Pinterest, as one does, and discovered these beautiful vintage mountain range printable gift tags.

After a little digging it turned out they were courtesy of Claire who runs Fellow Fellow.

Claire is an Australian native who has landed up in Singapore with her husband by way of Germany (yes, a bit of a circuitous route). She’s a graphic designer by trade and her blog is one helluva resource for crafty folks like myself.

Interestingly I’ve seen several of her ‘how-to’s’ before via another blog I regularly visit, Say Yes to Hoboken, but I hadn’t put the two together, and suspect I’m not alone.

As a way of paying it forward you can download these lovely gift tags above by paying it forward with a tweet on Twitter or Facebook, read all about it over here.

While you there look at her beautiful pics and other great tutorials like the ones below.

DIY Planters

DIY Paper Strip Garland

Lace Cement Votive DIY

Styling keys

I love pianos, we’re blessed to own one (seen above), it’s no Steinway, but it’s ours and much like many of the items in our home are heirlooms or hand me downs from family and friends… sentiments are priceless.

Having one does pose a problem when you don’t have the luxury of a dedicated piano or music room, so try blending yours into its surrounds. How do you do it? Style it! Treat it as you would a mantle or display case or shelf.

Here are a few inspirational shots I nabbed off of my Pinterest board.

Image courtesy of The Design Files

Image courtesy of Agent Bauer

Image courtesy of Bo Bedre

Image courtesy of A beautiful mess

I’m particularly fond of the last one. I’m in love with Elise and Emma’s A beautiful mess blog. It’s so bright and colourful, filled with inspiration and DIY/craft tutorials, including one on how to achieve your own Instagram Wall Art.